Gillian Gibbons:Sudanese Stupidity Latest: Fundamentalists Say Shoot Her:Demand Death By Firing Squad ...

Shoot UK teacher, say protestersAs any regular readers of Richard's 'Old Brit' blog are already well aware, we are not in any way, shape or form intolerant, extremist, fundametalist, racist or supremacist zealots, nor have we ever been known to be.
Gillian Gibbons was sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation
Thousands of people have marched in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to call for UK teacher Gillian Gibbons to be shot.
But when we learn of armed extremists taking to the streets and demanding the death of a British or any other nation's demonstrably decent citizen - for any reason at all, (via Sharia law) let alone a particularly simple innocent mistake that has harmed nobody - we say it's time somebody sorted out such a shambolic, scary state of affairs.
And before the loonies, zealots, fundamentalists and extremists begin wasting any more of their time and efforts mailing us, let's get one thing straight.
Whether any armed mobs roaming the streets baying for such unholy, barbaric demands of death are Muslim, Christian, Hindi, Buddhist or even followers of the now fabled Flying Spaghetti Monster, matters not a single iota.
The time has come to tell such wretches, in whatever way(s) it takes, that enough is enough and the end of the road has (almost) already been reached.
If such violently unruly people's own government's internal forces can't or won't even genuinely attempt to install law, order, control or whatever, of mobs (for that's all they are) of bloodthirsty, ignorant, uncivilised criminals -- then some urgent assistance should be offered. And be offered sooner rather than later.
Be such assistance officially sought or not.
Read the BBC's latest re: rapidly and seriously escalting Sudanese situation.
Labels: Christians, extremists, fdeath penalty, firing squad, funamentalists, Gillian Gibbons, Khartoum, Muslims, religion, Sudan