A storm in a tea cup?
Or a sign of some more serious stuff, as yet still to surface?

"Russia warns UK over expulsions
The Kremlin has warned Britain it faces
"serious consequences" after expelling four Russian diplomats from the UK.
The move followed Moscow's refusal to hand over the former KGB agent accused of murdering Alexander Litvinenko in London last year.
Suspect Andrei Lugovoi, who denies involvement, claimed the charges against him had a "political subtext".
But Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Britain would make "no apologies" for expelling the four Russians.
Mr Brown said that because "there is no forthcoming co-operation, then action has to be taken".
The [British] Foreign Office has not named the four Russian diplomats, but the BBC understands they are intelligence officers."

Shown above is murder victim Alexander Litvinenko
Another Russian spook Andrei Lugovoi, (shown below) had allegedly slipped some sort of (lethal), radioactive isotope into Litvinenko's drink.

Could 'Cold War' be making a comeback? At any rate, as far as (already rapidly cooling), UK/Russia diplomatic relations are concerned?
Get the BBC's latest reports/analysis/explanations/etc, right here (including video link to the victim's public accusation(s) and identification of his killer), then see what you think yourself.
*Labels: Alexander Litvinenko, Andrei Lugovoi, Britain, Kremlin, Russian diplomats expulsions