Blogroll Me! How This Old Brit Sees It ...: This Young (53 year old) Yank; John Edwards; 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidate ...

29 July 2007

This Young (53 year old) Yank; John Edwards; 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidate ...


Well, well, well.

Who ever would have thought it, eh?

John Edwards
certainly seems like he's not only a man who 'gets it' - but is also a man who's not scared to say it how he sees it - straight out.

(We wonder who that reminds us of?)

Seriously, we can't speak for you, but this is the sort of (loud & clear) stuff we personally, positively love to hear.

And as if that weren't enough, he's also a man who 'looks the part'.

Is this 'presidential' enough?

Here's a website of his. See what you think.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Tell you what though~he needs to avoid flying in small planes~defo!

3:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make no mistake the big boys won't just sit back and listen to that kind of talk. Small plane accidents = like Wellstone? Maybe. Or maybe they'll set out to make him look and or sound stupid= like they did with Dean.

7:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edwards paying you or what?

12:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a politician, Rick. They tell you what you want to hear until you elect them to office. Remember the optimism in Britain when Blair was elected, and how quickly he become Bliar; committing British troops to the Bush/Cheney 'War of Terror', followed by the illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, to secure the oil of one and the oil pipeline of another? And now we have his clone, Reiver Brown, who 'hasn't ruled out military action against Iran'; another massive oil well. More war, more bloodshed, more bodybags containing our servicemen and women; all for more stolen oil.
I didn't bother with the video; I've heard it all before. They are all in it for themselves, and how many 'sweeteners' they can shovel into their (off-shore) bank accounts.


7:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be put off by the title of the blog, but here's just one reason for the rage:

'Iraqis letting the occupiers down again.'

Just reading the opening paragraph should be enough!

*sweetoldlady* (although not at the moment!)

8:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And his bloody smarmy smile makes me want to throw up. It can be copy/pasted onto the fizzog of any politician you care to name, and the result would be the same; SMARM hiding LIES!

Sorry, Rick; I can't support any of them.


12:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After checking over the current field of US prezzie candidates, I strongly support Edwards. To the cynics, I say I will support the man who mouths the words that may not be completely achievable after election over the other candidates who don't even bother to mouth the words, or worse, promise more tax cuts to the top 1% earners at the expense of losing every U.S. social program put in place since FDR (few as they are compared to other developed countries), ANY DAY. And no, I don't work for Edwards (yet!).

Being the #3 democratic candidate puts Edwards in a unique position. Assuming the Hillary machine & Obama groupies cannot claim clear victories in our early primaries & their supporters cannot bring themselves to switch to the other, it puts Edwards in the catbird seat as the alternative choice most of their supporters can agree on. At least, I hope so. If not, I'll take Hillary or Obama ANY DAY over the pathetic group of opposition candidates. Rudy--gaaack! Mitt--double gaaack! McCain--his day came & went in 2000. Thompson--I don't want another actor playing president. ~~ D.K.

7:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And his bloody smarmy smile makes me want to throw up. It can be copy/pasted onto the fizzog of any politician you care to name, and the result would be the same; SMARM hiding LIES!

I'll take his smile anyday over bush's smirk.
a different anonimouse

12:32 pm  

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