UK Petrol: Possible Pump Price Set To Pass One Pound (Plus) Per Gallon ... Soon ...

Boy, oh boy!
Is This Old Brit glad he doesn't do any driving these days.
Cor blimey, O'Riley!
Oy, vey!
By the bejeebers!
Jesus H. - and Holy shit!
Get a load of this, guys & gals.
Petrol prices could surge to near record highs from next week after the government's 2p rise in fuel duty is introduced from midnight on Sunday.By the way, for the benefit of our American buddies, at today's exchange rates One GB Pound equates (as near as doesn't damned well make any difference), to TWO US Dollars.
The 2p increase could push up the average price of unleaded petrol to about 98p, while diesel could exceed £1 if the cost is passed
on to motorists.
The increase, in line with inflation, was first announced in Gordon Brown's 2007 Budget when he was chancellor.
The duty rise comes amid soaring oil prices and high borrowing costs.
The Budget also outlined another rise of 2p a litre next April and a further increase of 1.84p in April 2009.
Yep, you read that right. Can all you old (and young), Yanks imagine having to shell out $2.00 per litre for gas?
Eh? What?
Wha ... wha ... wh ... why ... bloody wars have started over (lots less than), something like this.
Best brace yourself and fasten the seat belt before reading the rest of this report.
Labels: gas, Gordon Brown, oil, Petrol, price rises