Brits leaving Basra in Iraq... well, at least some of them are

It's really bloody brilliant hearing today about Britain's boys & girls in uniform coming back from Basra in Iraq. After six sorry years of blood, sweat and tears.
Back from Iraq where they were illegally sent to illegally invade and occupy a foreign sovereign nation, by the war criminal Tony Blair. The criminal Tony Blair who, after a while, simply got so & so sick of it and so shamefully sodded off when it suited him ~ leaving a lot of unlucky lads & lasses to carry on killing & being killed regardless.
Some brave British Prime Minister, eh?
Has any other British Premier in history ever done such a dastardly, cowardly, absolutely shameless thing?
Whatever, should anyone here ever bump into the bum perhaps they'd like to pass this especially sickening link on to him.
It shows all of the brave boys & girls who, like the evil little louse himself, weren't still around to see some sort of sense and/or sanity hold sway today.
The big difference being of course that the kids who were killed, thanks entirely to Blair and his criminal cohort and cowardly American brother-in-blood [George W. Bush] didn't have a choice.
So, should you ever be in a position to show said link to the little shit, tell him it's a gift from This Old Brit who, (like the bunch of boys & girls pictured and/or listed) given the chance, wouldn't see fit to let the lousy likes of him lick their blood stained boots.

Labels: Basra, British armed forces, British politicians, Iraq, Iraq war, Tony Blair, war, war criminals