United States' economy is in it's worst state since a quarter of a century ago

In our old Brit Londoner's famous rhyming-slang, cockney-speak, it's called "boracic lint". To the rest of we Brits it signifies absolutely "skint".
Translated into American, it says "stony broke".
U.S. economy is in worst decline for more than a quarter century
The U.S. economy suffered a huge nosedive in the final three months of last year, shrinking by a staggering 6.2 per cent.
The figures released by the U.S. department of commerce yesterday far outstripped the worst fears of the government and the gloomiest predictions by financial analysts.
The contraction is the worst decline in America’s gross national product for more than a quarter of a century.
So see the rest of this sad story for yourself.
Shocking? For sure.
Surprising? You've got to be joking
Surely only the extremely stupidest of suckers couldn't see it coming.
Boy, oh boy, oh boy.
What BushCo & their various criminal, greedy and corrupt cronies broke, Barak Obama has got one hell of a job to fix. Temporarily to repair, even.
Well, we sure wish him lots & lots of luck, since he's certainly going to need some.
It's long been said that whenever the US sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.
The terrible truth of today is that America has actually already succumbed to one sodding serious case of the 'flu. And as almost all of us have already learned by past personal experience, the flaming 'flu sure is one infamously contagious critter.

Sad to say, we strongly suspect that things are set to get a lot worse before they start to get better.
But what should silly old sods such as ourselves know?
After all, this is the 21st century. Things are so much different these days.
So long as one stays silent regarding mere trifles such as wanton warfare, woeful welfare and (still) hardly any real health care.

*(Cross posted across at 'appletree')
Labels: America, crooks and liars, depression, dollar, economics, finance, profiteering, recession, United States