Unprepared US Rookie Troops Being Rushed Straight Across To Iraq ...

If you believe it's bad enough that the US military has lately (consistently and dramatically), lowered minimum standard recruiting requirements, then you'd better hold your your breath and, brace yourself.
Because, believe it or not, things are now even worse than you thought.
We wonder how many US citizens saw what CNN said, just the day before yesterday?
How's this for a wholly horrifying headline?
U.S. troops to forgo training in rush to IraqCan you credit it? Comprehend it? Come to terms with it? Cope with it?
Can you?
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rushed by President Bush's decision to reinforce Baghdad with thousands more U.S. troops, two Army combat brigades are skipping their usual session at the Army's special training range in California.
They are now making preparations to leave their home bases.
Some in Congress and others outside the Army are beginning to question whether that decision means the Army is cutting corners in preparing soldiers for combat.
"Some" are beginning to question this diabolically daft and downright dangerous decision?
Only "some"?Shit.
What a sodding super-shambles.
It's not the premiere kind of situation that commanders would prefer, but it is adequate." Daniel Goure, a military analyst at the Lexington Institute, a think tank,said ...
More akin to amazing we'd say. As well as (awesomely), alarming.
What would you say?
Particularly, if you were a parent (or any other part of a family), of such a recently recruited and/or still semi-raw, young rookie.
The mind bloody boggles.
See the whole sorry story at the CNN site.