Arise Sir Richard Armitage ...

Had you heard about the hush-hush job quite recently carried out - in a completely covert kind of way - by the Queen?
In a quintessentially, quiet and rather reserved best-of-British, stiff-upper fashion of course.
If you hadn't, then This Old Brit and Richard are about to blow your mind. Albeit in the nicest, politest and most proper possible way. Naturally.
Well, that goes without saying really doesn't it. After all, would we ever intentionally invite any individual's ire?
Regular readers no doubt can resist all reflexive response temptations realted to that question, since we're certain any of our periodic rhetorical queries are so readily recognizable.
Anyhow, how would you like to bump into a knight like the big, bad ass bald brute pictured above, on a dark night? On any night for that matter. Or even any damned day.
The pictured character in question is of course one of the neo-cabal's nastiest nasties, Richard Armitage. Or to give him his recently acquired full & proper title, Sir Richard Armitage. Yep, that's right. Really. We said 'Sir'. As in knight of the realm. As in our current British Queen Elizabeth's realm.
Rather remarkable, eh? What?
Many may have missed it -- many millions even -- when earlier in the week the Guardian gave out this little gem of info, amongst much more of the same.
Honoured with a KCMG was Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of state under Colin Powell between 2001 and 2005 and a leading player in rallying diplomatic support for the Iraq invasion.
Mr Armitage's role in the Iran-contra arms smuggling scandal was controversial enough to prevent him becoming army secretary in 1989.
He worked alongside Oliver North to trade arms to Iran illegally and siphon profits to the Nicaraguan contra rebels.
Can you credit it? He's now a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. That's the full official title for KCMG by the way. It's the second highest possible honour awarded via knighthoods bestowed by a British monarch. On behalf of the government of the day, we hasten to add. Nonetheless, we ask again - 'Can you
You'd better bloomin' believe this though. Armitage is far from alone when it comes to foreign Knights In The Court Of Queen Elizabeth. As previous US President George Herbert Walker Bush's long standing 'illustrious' inclusion proves.
Likewise the inclusion of the late demented Ronald Reagan.
And, that of Caspar Weinberger. And Alan Greenspan. And past Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani.
Also, of all the following: Wesley Clark, Tommy Franks, Colin Powell, Norman Schwazkopf, Brent Sowcroft -- and more.
Go here where 'names are named' and listed, to find out the full extent of this sort of sickening, super-duper, supremacist back-scratching & back-slapping shit for yourself.
( Incidentally, we're grateful to regular This Old Brit reader Griffon for first flagging this by commenting that Chris Floyd at Empire Burlesque had picked up on the Guardian piece. )