This Old Yank - Gore Vidal - Gives His Own Great State of the Union Speech ...

Power prices being as exorbitantly excessive as they currently are in the UK, This Old Brit becomes more selective each passing wintry day regarding the use to which he puts any expensive energy.
Be it energy bought from the mega-money-making, privatised power companies, or that [still available albeit in limited quantities] literally life-sparking stuff he can quite categorically claim to be his own.
So, wasting electricity watching trashy television transmissions of the wanker in the White House as he waffles his way through his latest State of the Union speech, is something he certainly will not be doing. He saw plenty of [professional] pantomime at Xmas and now needs another performance - particularly one offered up by an absolute amateur - like he needs that proverbial hole in his head.
But there's something special that he has been doing today, which he highly recommends you do too.
Here's the hook. How does it grab you ?
Well, we liked it. In fact, we liked it a lot; one almighty helluva lot.Tuesday, January 31st, 2006
Gore Vidal Delivers State of the Union:
"Let the Powers That Be Know There is Something Called We the People of the U.S. and all Sovereignty Rests in Us."
Here's a taste of what one of This Old Brit's all time favourite Old Yanks has to say.
This is an unpatriotic government.
This is a government that deals openly in illegalities, whether it is attacking a country which has done us no harm, two countries -- Iraq and Afghanistan -- because we now believe, not in declaring war through Congress as the Constitution requires, but through the President.
" Well, I think there are some terrorists over there, and I think we got to bomb them, huh? We'll bomb them. "
Now, we've had idiots as presidents before.
He's not unique.
But he's certainly the most active idiot that we have ever had.
Ouch! Eh?
But wait, there's more.
And now here we are planning new wars, ongoing wars in the Middle East. And so as he comes with his State of the Union, which he is going to justify eavesdropping without judicial warrants on anybody in the United States that he wants to listen in on.
This is what we call dictatorship. Dictatorship. Dictatorship.
And it is time that we objected.
Don't say wait til the next election and do it through that. We can't trust the elections, thanks to Diebold and S&S and all the ....
( Big snip)
You know, it's at a time when people say, " Well, it makes no difference what we do, you know, if we march and we make speeches, and this and that."
It makes a lot of difference if millions of Americans just say, " We are fed up! We don't like you.
We don't like what you're doing to the country and what you have done to the country.
We don't like to live in a lawless land, where the rule of law has just been bypassed and hacks are appointed to the federal bench, who will carry on and carry on and carry on all of the illegalities which are so desperately needed by our military-industrial corporate masters."
Read the full Vidal version, courtesy of Democracy Now, right here.