JFK Inauguration Speech: The Audio From 45 Years Ago Today ...

It was forty five years ago today, on 20th January 1961 when John F. Kennedy was sworn in as President of the United States of America.
He was the youngest ever holder of that high office and coincidentally replaced the oldest President, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
No doubt many have now forgotten this. No doubt many never even knew.
But This Old Brit remembers it crystal clearly. In fact, as though it were only yesterday.
So here, via BBC's amazing archives, he'd like to take you back in time and allow you to listen for yourself to JFK's actual inauguration speech.
Simply go to the BBC link shown below, then when you've read what's relevant just hit the audio button under the photo.
Whereupon, thanks to the wonders of modern technology you'll be virtually transported straight back to this very day almost half a century ago, and be able to hear this special man's special speech -- from his own lips -- with your own ears.
I remember, as well. My mother had me stay home from school in the afternoon, so I could watch the Inauguration. She was so intent on it impressing me.
What struck me was the similar tone of 'what we will do enemies' etc.
One day it might dawn that the more friends one makes - the fewer enemies one makes. But then again, as Ike had warned, the military industrial complex was already growing too strong too fast - and enemies are sweet music to their ears. Real or imagined.
If the US didn't have a single enemy in the world, it would invent one.
it would invent one.
Has been for years and still does.
To Anony and Xpatyank-
I am so sorry for my country- we all are NOT like THAT. we are ashamed and hate this regime. I promise there are those of us here working our asses trying to get the Whole effin lot of them Impeached and OUT. Hell during Katrina I even called and filed a report with the UN about this Regime. And I am even moritifed with what the US has done in Iraq....I am so sorry...
Now about JFk...godbless him miss him, Will always wonder what the world would have been like if that awful day in dallas hadn't happen- I was but a babe- so I know Bobby Kennedy better- he's etched in my mind- but both of them left their mark...I read quotes today and thought about them...and MLK....
Too much to fix and not enough time to clean up all of George's Mess...
Thank you Richard for remembering...
President Jimmy Carter was my "special" man.
They didn't kill him but toeard the end of his term they blackened his name and ridiculed him to make the incoming puppet Reagan, look a million times smarter than he ever was.
Iran contra, anyone?
I'm not going to get into a comparison but I have to agree with jmr in one thing. Carter was way better than his successor. I suspect that future historians will list him as one of the better US presidents.
I'm with jmr and mark from ireland.
Carter also turned into one of the better ex presidents, and to this day he remains so.
Carter is Still great...and he still matters...
read Endangered Values...it has been selling like Wildfire in the states...
( and it is a serious Indictment of this current criminal regime)
Well, no arguments from me [again] with anyone's comments. Especially where Carter's concerned. I can't say he was perfect - who is? - but I can't think of any other US President who was more honest.
Incidentally, I hear someone's just come out with a book claiming Castro 'dun it'. (Heh, I won't be wasting any cash buying it or time reading it.)
I don't remember Kennedy's inauguration but his death was one of my earliest memories. I remember being in Wexford on holiday in the early 60s and EVERY corner shop, public house - you name it had a picture of JFK and the Pope on the wall - side by side
JFK was a symbol of hope but not all that much more than that.
"Good Presidents", that's largely a an oxymoron (like "Good PMs"): you don't really get that far by "being good"...
WOW, It has been a while
....but what an amazing thing for a president to be able to speek.... Time sure flies...
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