ABC - With them or against them ?

Considering how much they've had to say about terrorism and terrorists over the last few years and how strongly they've spat it out, one would think America's ABC TV network would know better. Alas, that's apparently not the case.
The bearded beast pictured above is Shamil Basayev. The other photos show some of this self confessed master terrorist's innocent infant victims -- of which, 180 had their lovely little lives simply snuffed right out, en masse.
Remember this rat? This big brave self styled Chechen warlord? Remember him? And the sheer bloody barbarity of the Beslan school siege and susequent massacre? Eh? Remember?
And there's more.
Basayev, who has a £5.7m bounty on his head, admits that he masterminded just about every terrorist attack on Russia in the last decade, including the Beslan school siege, the Dubrovka theatre siege, the Budennovsk hospital siege and last year's suicide bombing of two passenger airliners.
Nice guy, eh? Sort of an "Atrocities R Us" arsehole, eh? I ask you -- would you give this bastard the chance to brag and boast about his diabolical deeds? The opportunity to 'show off' in public and gloat on air?
"I admit I'm a bad guy, a bandit and a terrorist ...
Would you put out a programme presenting such a public, platform-on-a-plate to a beast like Basayev?
Not many people I've met would willingly offer an animal like this, free television air-time. But then again, not many people I've met are the ABC TV network.
"The Chechen people are dearer to me than the rest of the world," Basayev said, warning he had no intention of giving up. "I'm making new plans. We're always looking for new ways."One could easily be tempted to wonder exactly where ABC's true loyalties lay. Who are they really with and who are they really against? Which war comes first in their book? Could it possibly be the viewer 'ratings' war?
Don't ABC know their country is at war? At war, not with one particular nation, but with terror itself - and all it's terrible terrorists? I mean, aren't all terrorists the enemy? So isn't what ABC have just done, actually providing the enemy with comfort and support?
Well, This Old Brit's no lawyer, but isn't that kind of thing illegal during war time? And if it isn't -- shouldn't it be?
As for the odious oink who ok'd this broadcast -- if wit were shit, I'd say the cretin in question must have chronic constipation. Can you imagine the absolute uproar all across America, if anything remotely resembling this type of "pornoganda" had been aired by .... erm ..... um .... say ..... Aljazerra?
Not only is it unbelievably tasteless, but it's stupefyingly tactless too. I mean, doesn't the US government have enough foreign policy problems, already? And aren't there yet enough of the world's nations, sick and sodding tired of Bushamerica's current maladministration?
* A diplomatic row has erupted between Russia and the United States after the ABC TV network ran an interview with Moscow's most wanted man, the Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev.
* Russia was outraged that ABC had felt it acceptable to broadcast such an interview and accused Washington ....
* America's most senior diplomat in Moscow was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry for a dressing down, while MPs called on the Kremlin to retaliate against Washington through diplomatic channels.
Oooh! So Russia resents it, eh? Well, ........ surprise, surprise.
Russia's ambassador to the United States apparently tried in vain to block the interview's broadcast and Moscow appeared to blame the American government yesterday for not doing more to stop ABC.
Read the UK Independent's report, filed by their man in Moscow, Andrew Osborn.