The US / Iran war has already started ...

Remember Scott Ritter? He's the former chief UN weapons inspector in Iraq, 1991-1998, and author of Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of America's Intelligence Conspiracy, to be published by I B Tauris in October 2005.
He's also the man who insisted on telling the truth about the none existent Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction, regardless of the personal sacrifice and cost entailed.
As I've never found any evidence to the contrary, he's a man I've always believed to be entirely trustworthy and expertly credible. Therefore, whenever Ritter makes pronouncements they shouldn't be taken lightly; rather they should immediately ring alarm bells -- extremely loudly.
For example, fasten your seat-belts and get your brains into gear- fast- then read on.
The reality is that the US war with Iran has already begun. As we speak, American over flights of Iranian soil are taking place, using pilotless drones and other, more sophisticated, capabilities.
Surprised? You shouldn't be. This is the way things work these days. You know, like Ritter has to reach you by writing for middle east publications, which are then forwarded to writers like the Old Brit, to be passed on again -- and again -- and over & over again. What a sorry state of affairs. What a perverse form of freedom, eh?
Here's another snip from Ritter's latest revealing piece.
But Americans, and indeed much of the rest of the world, continue to be lulled into a false sense of complacency by the fact that overt conventional military operations have not yet commenced between the United States and Iran.
And here's some more of the same.
President Bush has taken advantage of the sweeping powers granted to him in the aftermath of 11 September 2001, to wage a global war against terror and to initiate several covert offensive operations inside Iran.
The most visible of these is the CIA-backed actions recently undertaken by the Mujahadeen el-Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group, once run by Saddam
Hussein's dreaded intelligence services, but now working exclusively for the CIA's Directorate of Operations.
It is bitter irony that the CIA is using a group still labeled as a terrorist organisation, a group trained in the art of explosive assassination by the same intelligence units of the former regime of SaddamHussein, who are slaughtering American soldiers in Iraq today, to carry out remote bombings in Iran of the sort that the Bush administration condemns on a daily basis inside Iraq.
Shocked and sickened? Just plain old scared shitless, maybe? Whatever. Sane folk everywhere should be all three.
Now, here's today's final teaser.
US military planners have already begun war games calling for the deployment of multi-divisional forces into Azerbaijan.Logistical planning is well advanced concerning the basing of US air and ground power in Azerbaijan.
Given the fact that the bulk of the logistical support and command and control capability required to wage a war with Iran is already forward deployed in the region thanks to the massive US presence in Iraq, the build-up time for a war with Iran will be significantly reduced compared to even the accelerated time tables witnessed with Iraq in 2002-2003.
For the full story, hit the link below. And remember, you WERE warned.