Cindy Sheehan Comes Calling, To This Old Brit's UK ...

Shown above is Cindy Sheehan; sharing the spotlight and positively beaming personally, right alongside Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London.
But boy, oh boy! There were so many more she met too - including George Galloway and Brian Haw -- and pleasingly -- plenty of those genuine, good old fashioned, best-of-British type bobbies. Remember them?
But one man she didn't meet, even though she took the time and trouble to turn up, on a freezing winter morning, right there at his famous front door - was UK New Labour Prime Minister and Honorary US Presidential poodle, Tony - the liar - Blair.
Since, surprise-surprise -- Tone, she was told, was all tied up -- elsewhere.
(And it wasn't at the raging-oil-inferno that is Hemel Hempsted).
But there were many, many things that Cindy did manage to do, and to see and to say.
So much so, that rather than needlessly repeat what an absolutely, excellent British website has already done -- and made a damn good job of doing -- today This Old Brit simply sends you to where you'll [maybe] mistakenly believe you're in some sort of Cindy Sheehan, seventh heaven.
Brilliant, brand spanking new Cindy Sheehan in the UK, stories ? Super speeches, related reports, packs of pictures ? Lots of lovely links? You'd better believe it. Sheesh! You'll be spoilt for choice.
So stop wasting further fascinating reading time. Hit the link to get thee gone.
Enjoy. Then please pass on.
That's fantastic, I had no idea she was going to the UK! I guess she scared the poodle.
Is she back yet? My very first thought was "What if the U.S. refuses to let her back into her country?"
But how cool that she's gone over there! You guys send us George Galloway, the U.S. sends you Cindy Sheehan. Don't you just love exchange programs??
Maybe the US neocons will now see (all) Brits do not hate (all) Americans. We LOVE lots of them, especially ones like Cindy Sheehan ~~ who tell it how it is ~~ no matter what.
Cindy's trip to London and UK got miniscule coverage in US. She is an amazing woman who has been eviscerated by many in our saintly Home of the Free. I was in her hometown recently - Fairfield which is without doubt a garrison town. IMO she, alone, was responsible for the public support turning against the war. She had more balls than most of our elected officials.
Oops! what I meant to say was that she, alone was responsible for real turn in public support against the war which sent our Beloved Leader's approval rating into freefall!
Thanks for the update on how it's going over there.
Yeah - thanks Brit.
Again - US needs UK to tell us what's going down.
Btw - how are US [legal]immigrants treated over there? You know - just in case ;=}
Richard, you rock!
Don't ever stop this stuff coming.
Thanks once more for your interest and comments, everyone. As usual, they're all most appreciated.
I thought this particular news would come as 'good-news' to lots of our/my American friends.
Gothamimage makes a good point - Cindy Sheehan drives our shock jocks and Fox knuckleheads into a rage. I think they hate her more than Hillary (now that's pretty severe)
Agreed. She's taking heat off Hillary. Of course, Hillary was never a true liberal anyway.
God what a mess the US is.
I really never understood why Sheehan got so much incredibly vile, bile, vitriolic hatred poured over her, often by other service people's mom and dads. Clearly the latter have no problem with receiving the mangled remains of their offspring in a star spangled box, in the name of "honor, valor and FREEDOM..."
Fact definitely beats fiction on the weirdness scale.
Probably just another straightforward example of same-old, same-old.
The kick-ass, types are always extremely careful to only ever attack soft targets.
Thanks for the Cindy update and the links, and I know that Cindy is being treated with respect and kindness over across the pond. thank heavens...
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