Canada, Jason Kenney and George Galloway : the ongoing 'banning' saga...

Seen and/or heard much about brave British MP, George Galloway being "banned" by Canada?
Courtesy a sweaty, stinking lying, self serving, duplicitous, piece of political slime, christened Jason Kenney?

Interested at all in telling the truth? The type of truth that so often hurts certain so-called 'elected representatives' of 'we the people'?
Interested in integrity? Democracy? Honesty? Free speech? Freedom of movement? Freedom from harassment and/or hindrance?
If so, you absolutely MUST go to Gert's place ...
... then, to see the unarguably unmissable, second 'installment' of this sad & sorry saga, slip straight across here.
Incidentally, if you're a British Passport holder yourself, we strongly suggest seeing precisely what it says inside its front cover.
On second thoughts, being the big hearted old Brits that we are, we'll save you some of your precious time.
Her Britannic Majesty'sIncidentally, don't just take our word for it ; check it out yourself when you next get the chance to.
Secretary of State
Requests and requires in the
Name of Her Majesty
all those whom it may concern to allow
the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance,
and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.
Labels: Canada, censorship, civil liberties, civil rights, crooks and liars, freedom, George Galloway, Jason Kenney, truth tellers
Thanks, Richard!
There's more though: apparently the Viva Palestina charity is now under investigation. Nothing will come of it but 'mud sticks'. In my mind I can already hear Mad Mel Phlips screeching about it.
Galloway's a good man and indestructible, if there's one politician that deserves support it's him.
Mr Galloway is a guy you either love or hate. Me? I love him!
I adore Galloway! He is a fighter against imperialism, against injustices and he is not afraid to say it exactly as he sees it!
Last year I watched him on Democracy Now debating against that el-freko Christopher Hitchens... waw did he kick that freaks a**...... :)
Of course Galloway is a threat. Not to the country but to all these lying thieving top politicians' jobs.
George Galloway speaking at Columbia Business School on the One State Solution:
March 23. Part of his US 'Siegebuster' tour I believe. Galloway's clear and brilliant delivery on the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
I haven't been following the story in detail but I got the impression this was because frankly the JDL basically asked for Galloway to be banned, that's what seemed to be openly the message from that clip from the CH4 news on Gert's site, although I accept there could be some boasting there.
The impression I get is that Canada is an utter mess of political correctness and so on and that the Jewish lobby is a pretty powerful component of things and that includes something of a militant wing.
There seems to be a real problem with conservatism there, and only the other day I was surprised in reading an article where some basically good conservative was saying that Canadians should listen to David Frum to rescue their political fortunes.
Now it's up to people what they want to believe and listen to and so on, absolutely, but I also can't help but feeling that someone like David Frum simply doesn't represent any kind of conservatism at all, and actually was also a big enemy of Galloway.
But it just seems Canada is so battered by all this and rather castrated as a country from everything you read, and was an early experiment (much earlier than a lot of people realise) in the notion of hate crimes and so on.
I've run with this one, old 'un - with links to you and Gert, of course.
That's the "best face" this Jewish Defence League mob could find for TV?
Ha! Hilarious! Can you say shoot and foot?
So you still believe you're ruling the World,
Using all your tricks to keep the picture blurred.
Scatter your enemies, confound their politics,
So you still believe you're ruling the world...
God save your gracious Queen,
Long live your noble Queen.
God save your gracious Queen,
God save you all!
So you still believe you're superior,
And all other nations are inferior,
Any sedition hushed, rebellious Scots crushed,
So you still believe you're superior,
God save your gracious Queen,
Long live your noble Queen.
God save your gracious Queen,
God save you all!
So you still pretend you're ruling the World,
Using all your tricks to keep the picture blurred...
So you still pretend you're ruling the World,
Using all your tricks to keep the picture blurred...
Richard, I just discovered a link to Galloway's speech to the Canadians. Since Canada's governmt has banned him, he had to speak from New York City. But there is a video up now at rabbletv. Here is the link:
Well, blogger won't let me put in the url, but if you google for rabbletv in Canada you should be able to find Galloway info on its front page.
Believe me, this speech is more honest and complete about what Galloway truly believes should be the Israel-Palestine solution. Well worth taking a look and listen.
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