Blogroll Me! How This Old Brit Sees It ...: Confirmation That The UK's Gone Completely Crazy and Proof Positive That Plenty of our Policemen are Pure Plonkers

19 April 2008

Confirmation That The UK's Gone Completely Crazy and Proof Positive That Plenty of our Policemen are Pure Plonkers


Okay, here's your chance to contribute a personal two penneth re: some of the super-stupidity and ensuing insanity so often let loose whenever the lunatic fringe of the fundamentalist, extreme Political Correctness Police are let off the leash.

Take a look at the stop sign shown above, then complete the caption with your own last word.

But before you do, we strongly suggest you first have sight of (at least), this short cut & pasted snippet of nonsense.

Nurse sacked after smacking son

A former school nurse is to take legal action after she was sacked for smacking her 10-year-old son at home.

Susan Pope, from Malvern in Worcestershire, was arrested and her children taken from her after her eldest son reported her to police.

She said she was detained for 32 hours by West Mercia Police after the incident in May last year. [*See also West Mercia Police Authority.]


Charges against her have since been dropped and her son has withdrawn the accusations.
Read the rest of this report.

Spoiled rotten, sly, scheming, cock-sure, super-stroppy, sicko kids of a certain sort - don't you just love 'em?

And as for some of this country's all too often ever-so-sanctimonious (holier than ye or we), so called police officers ...

Purleeze .... just DO NOT sodding start us.

While we may well be left leaning, ultra liberal, Liberals with a capital "L" - we're certainly not lunatics.

*(Cross posted at appletree)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was it said the inmates hadn't taken over running the asylum?

11:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all down to liberals like you, Brit. So get over it.

9:42 pm  

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