As Israel announces it's intended increase in it's inhumanity to man, massive street riots in London ensue

Just when we think things can't get any worse, we get all this. ...

The Guardian is as good as it gets, truthful mainstream media-wise, since they've never needed to be beholden to nor dictated to by, any bloody billionaire owner. But we believe that even their quoted figures for the London riots today are far too conservative an estimate.

*(Cross posted across at 'appletree')
Labels: anti war, anti-war, Britain, collateral damage, ethnic cleansing, Gaza, Gaza strip, genocide, Israel, London, massacre, Middle East, Palestine, Palestinians, protests, United Kingdom
This is just the start - you can bet on it. And I'm not just talking UK.
I'll tell you what - I wouldn't want to be Jewish right now - not outside of Israel anyhow.
Well, it wouldnt be the first time Zionists have caused, fomented or used strife against Jews to drive them into Israel. I hope protesters can keep the focus on the names and faces of those giving the orders and those pulling the triggers.
The Guardian functions as the unacknowledged official "alternative" voice. It is the other half of the diatetic, the managed environment. It needs to be read carefully and the discrepencies looked for and noted as Richard has done (so well) in this post.
Hamas has been lobbing rockets into israel for years since israel pulled out of much are they supposed to take before they defend themselves. if you were being constantly bombarded after (doing the right thing) you would be screaming for your millitary to protect you!
Eyewitnesses in Gaza
"Hamas has been lobbing [homemade, I might add] rockets into israel for years since israel pulled out of much are they supposed to take before they defend themselves. if you were being constantly bombarded after (doing the right thing) you would be screaming for your millitary to protect you!
Well, here's a little history that might make what the Israeli settlers are "taking" a little more understandable and from an Israeli historian, no less!
"lobbing" is about the right word for these homemade "rockets".
Pictures and description here
Richard, didn't you say at the start of this series that as there were plenty of places on the web and in MSM that were pro Israeli Nazi like "collective punishment"?
Didn't you say that although others had the right to hold personal views no matter how disingenuous, uninformed or just plain uncaring they were?
Didn't you say you'd defend their right to think and say what they liked?
More importantly though, didn't you say you personally wouldn't provide yet one more platform for those types?
Yet this other 'Richard' person who is attempting to justify what Israel is doing is being allowed another platform .... right here?
The very least I can say is that I'm extremely surprised.
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