What Will It Take For Blair And Blair To Bow Out ?

So where do we want to start today ?
What about this bit of [yet another] Blair related, financial-funny-business bombshell?
British Prime Minister Tony Blair is defending Downing Street for not letting on to the Labour Party that millions of pounds had been loaned - to said Labour Party itself - by several certain people planning on being elevated to the peerage and thus becoming Lords of our land.
Well, we wouldn't want to publicly label anyone a liar (libel & all that, y'know) but we will say this; we don't believe a bloody word Tony Blair says any more, and we haven't for a long time. Nor have many millions of others, both at home and abroad. And rightly so, we say.
Why the hell should we? The man lost all credibility a long time ago - yet still he won't bite the bullet and go.
Once upon a time - in the not too distant past - honourable politicians did the honourable thing whenever - thanks to them - their particular 'stuff' turned to shit. They used to fall on their swords and then eff off, fast. But nowadays these buggers are brazen; as bold as bloody brass.
Call their serial, seriously dubious claims connected with everything, anything you want to. Borrow from some past pitiful attempts by politicians to play around with words if you like.
For instance; remember those seedy and obviously 'spun' terms being churned out, such as "Economical with the truth" ? Eh? This Old Brit bloomin' well does - only too damned well. And what about "Terminological inexactitudes" ? Ha. What a bloomin' beauty that one was.
Surely, the increasingly inescapable truths appertaining to Blair's government's veritable plethora of prick-like, phony-cronies must now be dawning on those with even the bare minimum of working brain cells. Because, the truths of the untruths trailing right through practically everything remotely related to Tony Blair's 'rule,' are getting more glaringly obvious with each tick of one's time-piece .
From the illegal invasion and ensuing [ and ever escalating ] US/UK led, blood-bath of an occupation of Iraq -- to the damned indefensible defence of that poorest of professional performers - the 'pudding' posing as our country's premier policeman, Sir Ian Blair -- and then right through to the latest 'nice little earner' cum 'brown bag' type, titles-for-sale, scandal.
Have they no shame? How much shit should have to shower upon a fan before this band of bums are unceremoniously, flat buggered off? And buggered off for good. Permanently. Period.
When the official Treasurer himself, of Blair's New Labour Party speaks out publicly to air his concerns over the millions in cash coming into the party's coffers -- without his knowledge, -- we say the stink is now too strong for anyone to stomach. What's worse, the best explanation the Bliar can come up with is to say that only donations needed to be declared - not loans. And surprise, surprise -- the 'on the q-t' cash in question -- of course, came in as loans. All £14 million of it.
Yeah, we're sure it did. While the band played 'Believe me if you like'.
Anthony Blair, an honourable man? Well, read these reports and then you tell us two.
Here are the bones of it all --- then there's more here -- and still more here, including the latest, almost laughable load of crap.
You guys have tony and we have george and we're all screwed!
Much as I'd like to see it happen, I doubt it will. I mean if he wasn't thrown in clink for complicity with Bush in serial mass murders ~ you can bet he'll walk away scot free from something as tame as few million quid scam.
A load of crap is right. A load of lies too. Seen the latest about Blair-Babe MP Harriet Harman, wife of the guy who blew the whistle?
Harman gives up Lords reform role
Constitutional Affairs minister
Harriet Harman has given up parts of her role which involve overseeing election laws and House of Lords reform.
Ms Harman is married to Jack Dromey, Labour's treasurer, who said on Wednesday he was "kept in the dark" over recent loans made to the party.
These loans were at the heart of "cash for peerages" claims - which have been rejected by Downing Street.
Ms Harman is said to have asked for the move to avoid any conflict of interest.
Her role overseeing House of Lords reform looked at whether peers should be nominated or elected in the future.
A spokesman for the Department for Constitutional Affairs said: "Ms Harman was the one who asked to be relieved of the responsibility for electoral administration."
Read this total bullshit.
Do they think we the electorate are completely stupid? Wait - don't answer that.
Incidentally, that lying little barrel of turds Ian McCartney, who they've now rolled out to defend them, is such a piece shit that his own poor young son ran away from the homelife he couldn't cope with any more ~ and topped himself
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Patricia, you're dead right. What the hell did we do to deserve all this, I wonder. And btw, I had a quick look at you place - it seems we're singing from the same hymn book, on the same planet. I'll be back to take a longer look, later.
anon, you're dead right too - I'm sorry to say.
Rex, yeah I saw it but thanks for the heads up & link anyhow. They really do think we're thick.
Gert, I just got here to catch up on comments but that link sounds worth a visit. Don't worry though - whatever happens, you can still call me plain old Richard. Heh.
( leaves, clutching plain brown paper bag full of unmarked notes, to investigate -- and maybe speculate.)
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Like pigs at the through - all of them. The Conservative mob are the same.
Politics is a business - a BIG profitable business - for those who are in it. And us? None of them give a shit - and you're right - they have NO shame.
Ah, the endless exploits of Tweedledum and Tweedledee. You know, all of this would hilarious, if it weren't so horribly real. With leaders like these, who needs Osama?
anon, rex, bluey,
Sounds like we're all agreed - again. Thanks for the links, too.
Also, I've not had time to look into it yet, but this morning brings news about another Blair Babe MP, Ruth Kelly, Education Minister and more "iffy" money business.
Natalia, our so-called leaders need Osama. (They need all the bogeymen they can use, to get us to swallow all their hogwash.) Every day they treat us with contempt, insult our intelligence and dismiss us with disdain. Yet inexplicably, some still haven't realised.
blair 1: off with his head
blair 2: well he's just crumbling away and now there's this libel suit with Paddick and just now I've read a vote of no confidence is expected by the MPA who are calling for his resignation.
Really the thing with Ian Blair is a lot of it is the regime's fault, they picked him, used him as a political tool when it suited them etc. I'm a little bit worried for Ian Blair actually
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What I don't understand is why Tony hasn't been forced to resign.
What I don't understand is why Tony hasn't been forced to resign.
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Jultra, whatever comes Blair-the-bobby's way, I'll have no sympathy for him. You can't lay with dogs and not get fleas.
mark, re: Terry Pratchett. I do appreciate him. Heh. But I think my style's much more sarcasm than satire. Heh.
graniab, he's still there because not enough of his own [vested interests] mob of MPs are prepared to rebel. They like the regular monthly cheques et al, and don't won't to risk anything by rocking the boat. Obviously their constituents aren't 'scaring' them enough -- well, not yet.
Thanks. I've removed all our comments over at my relevant post, perhaps you could do the same?
gert, as you can see - they've now been binned here, too.
I've binned my comments also :-)
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