Blogroll Me! How This Old Brit Sees It ...: Medicaid Madness ...

23 May 2005

Medicaid Madness ...

Posted by Hello

New York Senator, Charles Schumer, recently said the following :

** "It is just mind-boggling to think that Level 3 sexual offenders can get Viagra, which may indeed help them perpetrate other horrible crimes." **

Senator Hilary Clinton's mind seems equally boggled. As does Alan Hevisi's; he's the New York State Comptroller.

They should add This Old Brit's name to their boggle-list, too. The sooner the better.

Here's a clip from a relevant BBC report that I read today.

** "Mr Hevesi said states in the US are required by law to include Viagra in Medicaid programmes covering prescription drugs when medically necessary.

He said some of the recipients of the erectile dysfunction drug had been convicted for sex offences on children as young as two years-old." **

Senator Schumer, added:

** "It is just mind-boggling to think that Level 3 sexual offenders can get Viagra, which may indeed help them perpetrate other horrible crimes.

"And what we know about Level 3 offenders is this: They almost never change. They're almost never rehabilitated." **

I'd say, the pressure these people are bringing to bear on US federal government, is both highly commendable and highly desirable. Wouldn't you?

Click on the link, for more:


Blogger JulieDee said...

I first caught this at 5 am Pacific time while reading one of the Eastern papers (I read about 20-50 a day depending on how good I feel and how well by bladder is holding out... HEY! I'M OLD TOO!), I start east... move west... then if I'm up to it read the English language versions of the european papers. Hey... have you ever TRIED to read the result from doing a Bable-fish translation of a NEWSPAPER for God's sake??? But I'M babbeling now.

When I saw that story and then went to my Chronic Pain support group and read where 2 more of my members can't get their pain meds OK'd I hit the bloody ROOF!

That woke my wife up... Now, do you have ANY idea the level of medical insurance you need when you wake up a 278 lbs, once flaming red headed Irish-American woman 25 minutes EARLY? It's not a pretty sight.

The doctor tells me the bandages should come off Thursday. Thank God for Blue Cross.

1:16 am  

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